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Vegetable Produce

Are vegetables really necessary to eat?

Vegetable Produce

Recent History

June 1, 1782

David Thompson's narrative of his explorations in western America, 1784-1812 / edited by J.B. Tyrrell


The daily allowance of a Man is eight pounds of fish, which is held to be equal to five pounds of meat; almost the only change through the year are hares and grouse, very dry eating ; a few Martens,' a chance Beaver. Lynx' and Porcupine." Vegetables would be acceptable but are not worth the trouble and risk of raising; every person with very few exceptions, enjoys good health, and we neither had, nor required a medical Man.

When Hudson Bay was discovered, and the first trading settlement made, the Natives were far more numerous than at present. In the year 1782, the small pox' from Canada extended to them, and more than one half of them died; since which although they have no enemies, their country very healthy, yet their numbers increase very slowly. The Musk Rat country, of which I have given the area, may have ninety two families, each of seven souls, giving to each family an area of two hundred and forty eight square miles of hunting grounds; or thirty five square miles to each soul, a very thin population. A recent writer (Ballantyne)° talks of myriads of wild animals; such writers talk at random, they have never counted, nor calculated; the animals are by no means numerous, and only in sufficient numbers to give a tolerable subsistence to the Natives, who are too often obliged to live on very little food, and sometimes all but perish with hunger. 

Very few Beaver are to be found, the Bears are not many and all the furr bearing animals an Indian can kill can scarcely furnish himself and family with the bare necessaries of life A strange Idea prevails among these Natives, and also of all the Indians to the Rocky Mountains, though unknown to each other, that when they were numerous, before they were destroyed by the Small Pox all the animals of every species were also very numerous and more so in comparison of the number of Natives than at present; and this was confirmed to me by old Scotchmen in the service of the Hudson's Bay Company, and by che Canadians from Canada ; the knowledge of the latter extended over all the interior countries, yet no disorder was known among the animals; the fact was certain, and nothing they knew of could account for it; it might justly be supposed the destruction of Mankind would allow the animals to increase, even to become formidable to the few Natives who survived, but neither the Bison, the Deer, nor the carnivorous animals increased, and as I have already remarked, are no more than sufficient for the subsistence of the Natives and Traders.

 The trading Houses over the whole country are situated on the banks of lakes, of at least twenty miles in length by two or three miles in width; and as much larger as may be, as it is only large and deep Lakes that have Fish sufficient to maintain the Trader and his Men, for the Indians at best can only afford a Deer now and then. Some Lakes give only what is called a Fall Fishery. This fishery commences in October and lasts to about Christmas; the fish caught are white fish and pike. Whatever is not required for the day is frozen and laid by in a hoard; and with all care is seldom more than enough for the winter and a fish once frozen loses it's good taste unless kept in that state until it is thrown into the kettle of boiling water. Fish thawed and then boiled are never good; We who pass the winter on fish, and sometimes also the summer, are the best judges, for we have nothing with them, neither butter nor sauces ; and too often not a grain of salt. The best Lakes are those that have a steady fishery; and according to the number and length of the Nets give a certain number of White Fish; throughout the winter. The deep Lakes that have sandy, pebbly beaches, with bottoms of the same may be depended on for a steady fishery.

 The Fish on which the Traders place dependance are the White Fish, in such Lakes as I have last described. It is a rich well tasted, nourishing food; but in shoal muddy Lakes it is poor and not well tasted; and when a new trading House is built which is almost every year, every one is anxious to know the quality of the fish it contains for whatever it is they have no other for the winter. These fish vary very much in size and weight, from two to thirteen pounds and each great Lake appears to have a sort peculiar to itself, it is preyed upon by the Pike and Trout; and also the white headed, or bald, Eagle. 

The seine is seldom used, it is too heavy and expensive, and useless in winter. The set Net is that which is in constant use; those best made are of holland twine, with a five and a half inch mesh but this mesh must be adapted to the size of the fish and ranges from three to seven inches; the best length is fifty fathoms, the back lines, on which the net is extended and fastened are of small cord; every thing must be neat and fine: Instead of Corks and Leads, small stones are tied to the bottom line with twine at every two fathoms, opposite to each on the upper line, a float of light pine, or cedar wood is tied which keeps the net distended; both in summer and winter the best depth for nets, is three to five fathom water; in shoal water the fish are not so good. In winter the nets being sheltered by the ice, the fishery is more steady, not being disturbed by gales of wind. In some Lakes in Spring and Autumn there are an abundance of grey and red Carp; the former have so very many small bones that only the head and a piece behind it are eaten ; but the red Carp are a good fish though weak food. 

The daily allowance of a Man is eight pounds of fish, which is held to be equal to five pounds of meat; almost the only change through the year are hares and grouse, very dry eating ; a few Martens,' a chance Beaver. Lynx' and Porcupine." Vegetables would be acceptable but [are] not worth the trouble and risk of raising, and almost every small trading house is deserted during the summer, or only two men [are] left to take care of the place ; every person with very few exceptions, enjoys good health, and we neither had, nor required a medical Man. Formerly the Beavers were very numerous, the many Lakes and Rivers gave them ample space; and the poor Indian had then only a pointed stick shaped and hardened in the fire, a stone Hatchet, Spear and Arrow heads of the same; thus armed he was weak against the sagacious Beaver, who, on the banks of a Lake, made itself a house of a foot thick, or more; composed of earth and small flat stones, crossed and bound together with pieces of wood; upon which no impression could be made but by fire. But when the arrival of the White People had changed all their weapons from stone to iron and steel, and added the fatal Gun, every animal fell before the Indian; the Bear was no longer dreaded, and the Beaver became a desirable animal for food and clothing, and the furr a valuable article of trade; and as the Beaver is a stationary animal, it could be attacked at any convenient time in all seasons, and thus their numbers soon became reduced. The old Indians, when speaking of their ancestors, wonder how they could live as the Beaver was wiser, and the Bear stronger, than them, and confess, that if they were deprived of the Gun, they could not live by the Bow and Arrow, and must soon perish. The Beaver skin is the standard by which other Furrs are traded; and London prices have very little influence on this value of barter, which is more a matter of expedience and convenience to the Trader and the Native, than of real value. The only Bears of this country, are the small black Bear,' with a chance Yellow Bear, this latter has a fine furr and trades for three Beavers in barter, when full grown. The Black Bear is common and according to size passes for one or two Beavers, the young are often tamed by the Natives, and are harmless and playful, until near full grown, when they become troublesome, and are killed, or sent into the woods; while they can procure roots and berries, they look for nothing else. But in the Spring, when they leave their winter dens, they can get neither the one, nor the other, prowl about, and go to the Rapids where the Carp are spawning; here Bruin lives in plenty; but not content with what it can eat, amuses itself with tossing ashore ten times more than it can devour, each stroke of it's fore paw sending a fish eight or ten yards according to it's size; the fish thus thrown ashore attract the Eagle and the Raven ; the sight of these birds flying about, leads the Indian to the place, and Bruin loses his life and his skin. The meat of the Bear feeding on roots and berries becomes very fat and good, and in this condition it enters it's den for the winter; at the end of which the meat is still good, and has some fat, but the very first meal of fish the taste of the meat is changed for the worse, and soon becomes disagreeable. When a Mahmees Dog, in the winter season has discovered a den, and the Natives go to kill the Bear, on uncovering the top of the den, Bruin is found roused out of it's dormant state, and sitting ready to defend itself; the eldest man now makes a speech to it; reproaching the Bear and all it's race with being the old enemies of Man, killing the children and women, when it was large and strong; but now, since the Manito has made him, small and weak to what he was before, he has all the will, though not the power to be as bad as ever, that he is treacherous and cannot be trusted, that although he has sense he makes bad use of it, and must therefore be killed; parts of the speech have many repetitions to impress it's truth on the Bear, who all the time is grinning and growling, willing to fight, but more willing to escape, until the axe descends on it's head, or [it] is shot; the latter more frequently, as the den is often under the roots of fallen trees, and protected by the branches of the roots. When a Bear thus killed was hauled out of it's den, enquired of the Indian who made the speech, whether he really thought the Bear understood him. He replied, " how can you doubt it, did you not see how ashamed I made him, and how he held down his head;" "He might well hold down his head, when you were flourishing a heavy axe over it, with which you killed him." On this animal they have several superstitions, and he acts a prominent part in many of their tales.

August 28, 1797

John Rollo

Cases of the Diabetes Mellitus


Mr. Leigh Thomas, surgeon: He commenced eating animal food, his common beverage was water and beef tea. After pursuing this plan for days, the urine had entirely lost the sweet taste, and was greatly reduced in quantity. I consider it a favourable one for a trial of the ingenious mode of treatment you have pointed out for the cure of this disease.

From Mr. Leigh Thomas, Surgeon, Leicester Square, London.


 I HAVE this morning (August 28, 1797) met with a confirmed cafe of Diabetes Mellitus ; and, as I consider it a favourable one for a trial of the ingenious mode of treatment you have pointed out for the cure of this disease, I shall be happy either to give it up to your entire management, or co-operate in any plan that may be suggested between us. The subject is a very industrious man, aged 38, by trade a watchmaker, much confined to business, and anxiously labouring for the support of a numerous family.

He is much emaciated, and loses strength and weight daily. He showed me a letter from a brother of his, living in Kent, who also complains of pain in the back, and great debility, with an occasional discharge of sweet urine, especially after any fatigue of body, or distress of mind. It appears that three brothers of this family laboured under the disease, but it could not be traced to either of the parents.


Doctor Rollo having seen the patient, and favoured me with directions how to proceed, he very readily agreed to adhere to any rules laid down for his recovery.

Sept. 2, 1797, he commenced eating animal food, and took six or eight drops of hepatifed ammonia thrice a day, with castor oil occasionally; his common beverage was water and beef tea. After pursuing this plan for days, the urine had entirely lost the sweet taste, and was greatly reduced in quantity ; by the 18th he had lost the pain in the stomach, and the appetite became more moderate. 

The quantity of urine was now reduced to one pint and a half; he felt very weak ; had a violent longing for vegetable food, particularly bread. I could not resist his solicitations, especially as I had a faint hope that the disease was conquered ; I therefore allowed him a small French roll, with a glass of port wine. The urine made that night was highly impregnated with saccharine matter, and increased to the quantity of five pints. The following day, he again indulged a second time with bread and also porter, and so continued to deviate till the beginning of November, sometimes taking three pints of porter daily. In this interval, I ordered him the cinchona and sulphuric acid. His strength was improved, yet he lost weight. The gnawing pain at the stomach had returned, and also the itching and excoriation of the prepuce, the urine very sweet, and had increased to ten pints. The disease being reproduced, and its effects so considerably increased, the patient promised to be more resolute in future. 

Nov. 20th, the animal food was again returned, and, I believe, faithfully adhered to until the middle of February ; the hepatifed ammonia was laid aside ; and milk was torbid, as I had strong reason to believe that it frequently produced sweet urine in the former trial. His strength, at the end of this period, was greatly reduced; the gums spongy, with frequent bleedings, a foetid breath, and a rigidity of the muscles of the lower extremities. The urine had decreased to three pints, not at all sweet, was of a brown colour, and loaded with putrescent mucilage ; in taste exceedingly salt, and much more pungent than urine in a natural state. The appetite was so completely destroyed, that the sight of animal food excited nausea, but, at the same time, there was a longing delire for vegetables and beer. His weight during this time varied something. In November he weighed more than nine stone ; in January, eight and a half; before the end of the course, he regained nine stone. 

The excoriation of the prepuce had gone off, but the natural propensities never returned ; the skin became moist, the clamminess of the fauces had disappeared. A great number of boils came out in different parts, which were exceedingly painful ; some few advanced to suppuration, but never afforded true pus. Every diabetic symptom having left him, and his present state being so very distressing, induced me to allow him a small proportion of vegetable food. As we had experienced the ill effects of bread in the former trial, I directed him to eat sparingly of potatoes, and drink weak brandy and water; he drank, also the alum whey. In two days after this, the sweet urine reappeared, and all the other symptoms soon returned. He never after this adhered to any regular plan, only taking vegetable food very sparingly.

About the middle of March, he had a severe attack of pleurisy, which required two bleedings, and other evacuations, to remove it. In April he passed some time in the country, twenty miles from town, where he constantly eat vegetables, and drank large quantities of mild ale; during this time, the urine was sweet only at times. Under these circumstances, he gained four pounds weight in nine days. After his return to town, his strength daily decreased ; the boils frequently appearing, obliged him to lie almost constantly in bed. During the latter part of this period, the urine was very frequently perfectly sour, and that immediately upon passing off, so as to leave no doubt of its being so in the bladder ; the taste and smell very similar to sour whey, but perfectly transparent ; at this time, it was always small in quantity. In the beginning of July, he had another attack of pleurisy, which terminated his sufferings on the morning of the l6th. (He died)

As I have merely given a summary account of the progress of the case, I shall, in like manner, relate the effects of certain vegetables upon the disease, and which came under my own observation, Bread certainly holds the first rank in exciting the formation of saccharine matter ; nor did this appear to depend upon the fermentation it had undergone, as the sea-biscuit, or a teaspoonful of flour in melted Butter, universally produced the same effect ; potatoes flood next ; onions, leeks, radishes, and turnips, also produced much sugar. Preparation by boiling, or otherwise, did not seem to increase or diminish their effects. Spinach, carrots, peas, broccoli, and cauliflower, had each less effect than the former, particularly the two last; parsnips were eaten with impunity. The urine never tasted sweet after taking them ; at first, the urine had a sourish taste and smell, which I attributed to them, but since, it has been perfectly sour, without being able to account for it. Every kind of fruit invariably produced sweet urine, without being able to ascertain any variation in their effects. Of Liquids, porter appeared the most hurtful ; no difference could be observed with regard to the effect of any of the spirituous liquors, wines, or cider; mild ale he considered as having no effect in producing the disease, but of this I can say nothing of my own knowledge, as he only drank it in the country. He was bled five times in the course of the treatment, purposely to examine the blood; in one instance only had the serum a turbid wheyich appearance ; the slightest taste could not at any time discover anything of a saccharine quality. Upon allowing the blood to evaporate in the open air, no putrefaction took place, it became a solid brittle mafs, of a mining appearance when broken. Dissection Twenty-four hours after death, under the directions of Mr. Cruikshank I proceeded to make a careful examination of the viscera.

August 6, 1798

John Rollo

Cases of the Diabetes Mellitus


A total change of diet seemed the only means of preserving this worthy young man from almost immediate dissolution. He commenced the plan without hesitation, abstaining wholly from bread, or other vegetable substances, and from all fermented liquors. For breakfast he took milk, with yolk of egg; for dinner, occasionally fish, but, in general, beef or mutton which had been long kept, sometimes a little ham; for supper, a poached egg, or calve's foot jelly, prepared without wine or acid.

From Doctor Willan, London.

August 6th, 1798. 

A Gentleman about 25 years of age, tall and thin, has been engaged in a fatiguing, though sedentary occupation, but always conducted himself with sobriety and regularity. For more than a year past he had found his health and strength gradually declining ; he became pale, emaciated, and skeletal; his hands and feet were unusually dry and hot; he had sometimes a trifling cough, and was affected with a great shortness of breathing, on going up stairs, or any ascent. 

The case being deemed consumptive, he had been recommended to confine himself to a vegetable diet, and to spend as much time as possible in the country. This plan, however, was not attended with any tangible benefit: on the contrary, the wasting and general debility seemed to be daily increasing under it. 

I did not see this young Gentleman till the middle of May last. In addition to the symptoms above mentioned, he then complained of a clamminess in the mouth, a parched tongue, and an unquenchable thirst. His pulse was from 76 to 86, weak, and unequal. He was in general very costive. From these circumstances, I was induced to examine the state of the urinary secretion, before anything was administered to him medicinally.

The result of the first trial was as follows. He took in 24 hours 11 pints of fluid, consisting of milk, or milk and water, with two slices of toasted bread, and within the same time made 12 pints of urine, a portion of which was evaporated by Mr. Moore, of Apothecaries Hall; the result will be subjoined. The urine was of the highest straw colour, had a faint disagreeable smell, and was sweetish to the taste. His breath had, at this time, an unpleasant acidulous smell, nearly the same as that produced by the effluvia of decaying apples. He observed to me, that for several days past he had felt a pain in the head, and a stiffness, or drawing in of the eyes, with imperfect vision, the letters appearing double whenever he attempted to read or write. 

A total change of diet seemed the only means of preserving this worthy young man from almost immediate dissolution. He commenced the plan without hesitation, abstaining wholly from bread, or other vegetable substances, and from all fermented liquors. For breakfast he took milk, with yolk of egg; for dinner, occasionally fish, but, in general, beef or mutton which had been long kept, sometimes a little ham; for supper, a poached egg, or calve's foot jelly, prepared without wine or acid

On the eighth clay of this course, a second examination was made of the state of the urine, which amounted only to 2 pints in 24 hours, 3 pints of milk, or tnxlk and water, having been drank within the same time. The urine was more high coloured than before, but had not wholly lost its faint smell. A third trial of the same kind was made on the 10th of June. He drank 3 pints of fluid, and made exactly the same quantity of water. It must, however, be remarked, that the day was extremely chilly, and that he did not ride out, nor take any exercise through the whole of it. 

On the 12th of June, he informed me that his thirst was nearly removed, but that he felt a soreness of the stomach, and great oppression of it after eating, with sickness. These symptoms continued the three following days, which he spent in the country, and then ceased. From that time his stomach became reconciled to animal diet; his appetite and strength increased; he eat with a proper relish, and was not troubled with thirst. 

On the 18th of June he drank 3 pints of liquid, and discharged only 2.75 pints of urine, which had the usual smell and colour. He stated that he had begun to perspire at night, which had not been the case for some time before; alfo, that he felt his hands and feet more moist and comfortable. The complaint of his head and eyes was likewise removed.

June 20th his pulse was more firm; and he found himself recovering strength, so that he could walk a mile or two without fatigue. He eat heartily, slept well, and seldom drank between meals.

On the 12d June some family concerns obliged him to set off for Yorkshire. He went, however, with the resolution of adhering to the plan of diet which had already so much relieved him, without the use of any medicine, excepting a little castor oil, as an occasional laxative. On Saturday Iast, August 4th, in a letter, he informed me, that he bore the journey very well ; but that fome fatigue, and agitation of mind since, had much depressed, and enfeebled him. From this state, however, he recovered in two or three weeks; and he is now able to take considerable exercise either by walking or on horseback. He hopes to be in town soon, and thinks himself qualified to undertake business with as much activity as usual.

December 3, 1798

John Rollo

Of the appropriate Treatment of the Diabetes Mellitus.


Dr Rollo summarizes the cases of diabetes. He finds a difference between a chronic form(likely Type 2) and an acute form(likely Type 1), and notes the powerful effect of an animal-based diet on both. He also talks about the difficulty of convincing patients to stick with the diet, and how they complain of wanting a pill or drug to take instead. He concludes with vegetables that do not increase the sugar in the urine, such as broccoli, spinach, cauliflower, cabbage, and lettuce, setting the grounds for ketogenic diets.


Of the appropriate Treatment of the Diabetes Mellitus.

THE principles of the treatment, as established by our cases of the disease, by the view we have given of the proximate cause, and we may further add, by the general success, consist;

  1. In the prevention of the formation or evolution of the saccharine matter in the stomach.

  2. In the removal of the morbidly increased action of the stomach and in its restoration to a healthful condition. 

Whatever may be the cause of the formation of the saccharine matter, it is necessary to prevent it, as on its general stimulus in the system, and particularly on the kidneys, very general affections are maintained. Besides, the means employed to prevent such formation may tend to the removal of the morbid action of the stomach and lacteal absorbents, and the increased and altered state of the gastric fluid, on which its production probably depends. Animal food, and confinement, with an entire abstinence from every kind of vegetable matter, afford the general means ; but which may be facilitated by the daily use of alkalines, calcareous and testaceous substances. The quantity of animal food should be restricted, and given in as small quantities as possible to satisfy the stomach : see page 54. 

When the urine points out the absence of the saccharine matter, and at the same time its quantity continues more than natural, containing likewise more of the extractive matter in a viscid, or tenacious form, while the appetite remains keen, it may be presumed that the increased morbid action of the stomach is not removed. It becomes then necessary to exhibit the hepatifed ammonia, with an opiate and antimonial at night, and to continue them until the morbid condition of the stomach is removed; the marks of which are, a scarcity and high coloured state of the urine, with turbidness, furnishing on evaporation an offensively smelling and saltish tasted residuum, without tenacity, accompanied with a want of appetite and loathing of food. At this time the tongue and gums will be found to have lost their florid colour, and to have become pallid. 

When such a state occurs, exercise is to be enjoined, a gradual return to the use of bread, and those vegetables and drinks which are the least likely to furnish saccharine matter, or to become acid in the stomach, with the occasional use of bitters, &c. Should this period of the disease be overlooked, and the confinement and animal food rigidly persevered in, scurvy, or something akin to it, might be produced. That such might be the termination of Diabetes, the appearances which arose, more especially in Captain Meredith's case, render extremely probable. The gripings, and offensive stools; the oiliness on the surface, and the high colour of the urine; the foetid breath and saltish taste; the great latitude and heaviness, with indifference to either eating, drinking, or moving; were strong marks of a state approaching to scurvy.

When the disease has continued long, it may leave local effects, which may prevent the entire restoration of health ; the most ample form of which might be supposed to consist in mere dilatation, or enlarged capacity of vessels, as those of the kidneys; or in a habit acquired by long continued action. Our first case shows, that these, when the disease has not been of very long duration, may be soon removed. They may, however, prove one of the circumstances retarding recovery in such a length of disease as that of our second case ; but even in this, the kidneys very early partook of apparently their ordinary action. Dissection has shown some morbid condition or derangement of the mesenteric or lacteal absorbent glands, and some altered appearance of the kidneys. There may also arise some derangement of stomach structure, of pancreas, spleen, liver, and possibly of lungs. Such sequelae would probably be sooner and more certainly formed in scrofulous habits. Whenever they occur, recovery must be retarded, if not finally prevented. They, however, will not interfere with the actual removal of the diabetic disease. We suspected some affection of the mesenteric glands, and of the stomach, in our second case; but we are warranted in alleging, that want of steadiness in the patient solely prevented the complete removal of the complaint. The nature of its sequelae, or whether they will remain, so as to maintain a state of chronic disease depending on them for its cause, requires still to be determined. Of this determination we must now continue entirely ignorant, as the patient from unsteadiness died, and was not examined after death. 

These are the general means of treatment, and they will be found adequate to the most common circumstances of the disease. We think it, however, necessary to particularise certain cases and states of the complaint. The former, are those of short, or long continuance, acute or chronic in degree; the latter comprehend the progress and fleps of recovery. It is necessary to attend to these distinctions, as they must direct the remedies and regimen to be employed. 

When the disease has been of short duration, an entire use of the animal diet may be immediately pursued, with an abstraction of all vegetable food and fermented drink which may have been formerly taken. In this state of the disease it may be acute arid then the diet should be spare; blood-letting and blistering may be necessary, with the use of opening and diaphoretic medicines. But when the disease has been of long continuance, especially in persons advanced in years, and whose habits have been luxurious in point of living, it may be proper to regulate the plan of cure by gradually adopting the animal diet: see the case of the Gentleman of 77 Page 179 and Dr. Stoker's continuation, page 253. 

On the removal of the general symptoms, and the return of the urine to a natural condition, which may be ascertained by a comparative examination with the healthy standard of it, as described by Mr. Cruickshank, vegetable substances may be cautiously tried. In the selection of which, the preference should be given to those least likely to furnish sugar, or excite disturbance in the stomach. The urine should now be very frequently examined, and on any appearance of a return of the diabetic state of it, the animal diet must be again strictly renewed. In this way the diet must be varied, until we are certain not only of the removal of the disease, but of the disposition to it. In the prosecution of the plan much steadiness and perseverance are required. We have to lament, that our mode of cure is so contrary to the inclinations of the sick. Though perfectly aware of the efficacy of the regimen, and the impropriety of deviations, yet they commonly trespass, concealing what they feel as a transgression on themselves. They express a regret, that a medicine could not be discovered, however nauseous, or distasteful, which would superfede the necessity of any restriction in diet. 

The vegetable substances we have hitherto found the safest, in the change from the animal diet, are, broccoli, spinach, cauliflower, cabbage, and lettuce. These do not seem to furnish sugar when prudently used in the diabetic stomach, after a proper adoption of the animal diet ; but under certain circumstances they have been supposed to produce an acid urine : see the Cases of Mess. Houston and Thomas. When these vegetables have been safely taken, a return to a very small quantity of bread has reproduced the saccharine matter in the urine, and the general symptoms of distress, as thirst, &c. It becomes, therefore, a principal object in the treatment, to vary the articles of diet, so as to gratify the earned desire of the patient, without bringing on a return of the complaint.

December 4, 1798

John Rollo

Cases of the Diabetes Mellitus


Dr Rollo mentions that eating rhubarb for 4 days straight results in a yellow color in the blood. Rhubarb is packed with oxalate.

W. Rhubarb was given, by Doctor Wittman, to a patient for four days; a portion of blood was then taken from the arm, and the serum was, as well as the urine, evidently tinged with its yellow

colour, staining linen.

(Rhubard is high in oxalates)

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