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Notable Carnivores - Meatritionists

142 meatritionists.

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Kentucky, USA
Linoleic Acid Seed Oils

Brian Kerley

In a DM on Twitter in July 2022:

Me: "And you support carnivore diets but mostly seed oil free diets correct?"

Dr Kerley: 

"Carnivore plus fruit probably *optimal*

But that doesn’t mean eating grain is *wrong*

Food is deeply cultural…

I want to be clear about my message and intentions

Like Paul Saladino is right about what he says for the most part

But many people can eat bread and be OK

Yeah and if you NEED it, beef/ruminant diet is life saving"

Cutting out seed oils (linoleic acid) is his Pareto Principle:

"Yeah being seed oil free is 80/20

That's basically the experiment I’ve done with myself for almost a year

I’m much leaner"

From his website's About Page:

It all started back in 2008 when we were introduced to the "Paleo" world through Crossfit (shout out to what is now Built/With Fitness!) 
and we were instantly intrigued with the world of "Ancestral Health". Like so many others who find this rabbit hole, our typical mainstream views of nutrition vanished and we knew we would never be the same. We jumped in headfirst to learn as much as we could, as our pantry and fridge changed forever.

We started to follow Robb Wolf (thank you!), Mark Sisson, Chris Masterjon (just to name a few) as they always had fresh valuable info to share. During this time we also grew as a family with our very special girl who made us proud autism parents.  The knowledge we gained was tremendously helpful for our own health through experimentation with elimination diets, and with nourishing our special needs child. We were so grateful for this gift and always were willing to share with with anyone interested to listen...

But it didn't end there... these interests lead to medical school for Dr. K in his early 30s and many more years of us experimenting and getting to know our bodies. Slowly but surely transitioning to better ways and sustainable habits with our cooking and food choices.

Fast forward to 2021. With years of experience behind us, we have developed a balanced common ground with our main focus on a particular common denominator...avoiding "vegetable" seed oils.

As our simple and focused message began to gain more attention, we discovered how well it aligned with the vision of author Cate Shanahan, MD.

Our mission is to connect and educate by spreading valuable information on
"vegetable" seed oils and help take back the health of our world.
This is not another diet, this is The Seed Oil Rebellion.

Dr. K & Ash

Dr Kerley's Anti-Seed Oil App just entered the App Store and is called 'Seedy'



Obesity Physician
San Diego, CA, USA
Medical Weight Loss & Direct Primary Care

Brian Lenzkes

In a DM to me in July 2022:

"Keep up the great work! I would love to leave a comment. As a matter of fact, I went carnivore this month!  Good timing."

"As a doctor, it is hard to get past the idea that saturated fat is not killing us.  We have heard it for years. When I went low carb, I saw immediate success with metabolic health and weight loss.  As time progressed, I realized that I was plateaued and had to make a change. I weighted the data and observed my carnivore patients improving mentally and physically. I am amazed by the benefits of this lifestyle change."

When asked about doing Carnivore:

"I am loving it. Feeling great.  Confounded by the fact that I am also cutting out red wine."




CJ Hunt

Travel through time and around the world with CJ Hunt as he embarks on an unprecedented global exploration to find a solution to the exploding epidemic of overweight, obesity and diet-related disease.

From excavations containing the remains of Neanderthals and early modern humans in Jonzac, France, to the bio-molecular anthropology analysis labs at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, we discover breakthrough scientific facts that could change the way we all think about food.

Featuring rare interviews with some of the foremost authorities on evolutionary  anthropology and human evolutionary nutrition, the film offers a new opportunity to see what our species needs for optimal health. The Perfect Human Diet introduces a practical, sustainable method of eating based on these breakthrough scientific facts.



Santa Monica, CA, USA

Cameron Sepah

I invest Magi VC & advise @8VC

I train psychiatrists @UCSFMedicine

I coach executives

I set trends: #TonicMasculinity #DopamineFasting

Narrative: Salads are the most nutritious food

(especially believed by women).  #NarrativeViolation: Steaks (ruminant/organ meat) are the most nutrient-dense food

(always known by men).  Whatever your gender is, quality animal-based protein is priority #1. Fiber comes after.

I don’t think we fully yet understand and appreciate the role of fiber in the microbiome, so I’m not quite in the anti-fiber radical carnivore camp yet.   I consume a lot, but mostly as byproduct of getting minerals & micronutrients.



Orthopaedic Surgeon
Lewisburg, WV 24901, USA

Carlos Moreyra

Dr Carlos Moreyra is a orthopaedic surgeon with subspecialty training in sports medicine. He obtained his medical degree from Temple University School of Medicine in Philadelphia. After years as a Navy flight surgeon and a civilian clinical research consultant, he completed his residency in orthopaedic surgery at Temple University Hospital in Philadelphia and a sports medicine fellowship at the University of Illinois at Chicago. After fellowship, he voluntarily returned to active duty in the Navy for an additional 4 years, including a 7-month deployment to the US Navy-operated Role 3 Combat Hospital in Kandahar, Afghanistan. Since transitioning back to the Navy Reserve, he has worked as a general orthopaedic surgeon in various areas around the country. He is now a Retired Reservist in the US Navy and is currently working long-term travel orthopaedic assignments in Lewisburg, West Virginia.   Dr Moreyra has worked for three of the last five years in areas in the US with critical need of orthopaedic surgery services. During that time he realized that the vast majority of conditions he treats are preventible. He often discusses dietary and lifestyle changes in order to address chronic health issues that are not orthopedic in nature but that have orthopedic implications. Although individual dietary recommendations may be tailored for each patient, he generally recommends a wholesome animal-centered diet withe the elimination of sugar, refined carbohydrates, and vegetable seed oils. Where necessary, he would advocate for a carnivore elimination diet for the patient to learn what dietary aspect may be causing inflammation or pain. His treatment goals are to improve the musculoskeletal and overall health and longevity of his patients by advocating for wholesome food changes to patients diets as well as encouraging a more active lifestyle.



Yucatán, 97050 Mérida, Yuc., Mexico
Yucatan, Mexico

Carlos Zumarraga

Dr. Carlos Zumarraga is the founder and medical director at Clinica Keto at Merida, Yucatan, Mexico. His area of expertise is in therapeutic carbohydrate restriction, nutritional ketosis, insulin resistance/hyperinsulinemia and cellular repair using food as medicine.   In addition to his clinical practice, he collaborates as a Medical Consultant with Lipedema Simplified, where they help patients suffering from this condition to adopt a Ketogenic Lifestyle  to stop the progression and in some cases reverse the disease processes. As a researcher he collaborates with the Noakes Foundation  in studying the effects of LCHF in Human Health.   With the experience of more than 2000 clinical patients (close to 100 % success rate) he can tell you that, if you are suffering from a serious disease as a result of your metabolic intolerance to sugars, like diabetes mellitus type 2 or fatty liver disease, the solution is simple, reduce your carbohydrate intake below your personal tolerance threshold.



Registered Dietitian
Auckland, New Zealand

Caryn Zinn

Dr Caryn Zinn is a dietitian and an Associate Professor at AUT, based in Auckland, New Zealand. She has 27 years of experience in the nutrition industry. She started off her career as a public health dietitian, and then entered academia, maintaining her clinical practice as a dietitian throughout. Her research and clinical practice focus on the application of an integrative dietary approach to metabolic health and sports performance.  

She has established herself globally as a leading dietitian and advocate of a whole-food, low carbohydrate, healthy fat (LCHF) nutrition approach for optimal health and disease prevention and management. She has co-authored four books as part of the What the Fat? Series, which has sold over 150,000 copies worldwide.



Orlando, FL, USA

Catherine Shanahan

LA Lakers' Science Consultant, author, Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food. Flavor=Nutrition. Working at: Eradicating Diabetes #VegOilSucks

The carnivore diet may work magic on healthy folks, but what if you're not so healthy?

I’ve met a number patients who had lost weight from exercise combined with protein-powder based crash diets that were low in both fat and carb, only to discover that they had developed diabetes in spite of having lost weight.

Chris Newguard PhD (speaking in the NIH video linked below) has been studying the origins of insulin resistance for over a decade and consistently finding a correlation between high protein intake and insulin resistance, independent of body weight.

It might be protein powder causing the problem (and whole food based protein may not have this effect). It might be the lack of healthy fat. It might be the combination of intensive exercise with all of the above.

Until we know more, in my opinion, if you’re following a #carnivorediet it is super important to make sure you get enough NATURAL (whole food) fats. Once you get your 60-90 grams of protein, the rest should be mostly fat. Consumption beyond what your body can easily use may be particularly damaging to those with #insulinresistance #prediabetes and #type2diabetes

Why? Compared to healthy folks, those with insulin resistance, prediabetes and type 2 diabetes have a higher baseline (fasting) blood sugar requirement and therefore their livers (and possibly kidneys) are forced to convert amino acids from protein into sugar at a faster rate than those who are healthy. This alters nitrogen metabolism in the liver (and kidney) and could help to explain why so many overweight folks suffer from gout. Perhaps most importantly, it also blocks fat burn (the burning of body fat as opposed to dietary fat), and when you block fat burn you worsen your glucose dependence and travel farther down the road to diabetes.

If you're doing well on a carnivore diet, that's fantastic! And if you are adventurous in your carnivore eating style you can still enjoy all 4 pillars of a Human Diet including Fresh Foods, Fermented and Sprouted Foods (well, maybe not sprouted), Meat on the Bone and Organ Meats.



Zerocarb Veteran
Florida, USA

Charlene Andersen

My list of health conditions grew: eczema all over my hands (to the point of second degree burns), tinnitus, worsening depression, worsening fatigue (fell asleep at work all the time, at meetings, at church, and driving a car), lower back/pelvic and sciatic nerve pain (couldn’t sit at all, worked standing up, constant pain with occasional howling-pain spasms; MRI revealed degenerative disc disease in 3 areas), systemic edema, blurry vision (eyeglasses were worn beginning in high school, worsening every year), paralyzation at times in hands and feet working its way into my torso (Joe had to be called to carry me out of work several times), allergies/sensitivities to all things (food, pollens, chemicals), continued amenhorrea, weight gain (at my heaviest 50 pounds overweight), inability to concentrate (couldn’t understand a sentence spoken to me in time to hear the next in a conversation), diagnosed with cervical dysplasia (treated with cryotherapy), migraines, heart pains, indigestion/reflux, bingeing (and at the end, vomiting – luckily only a few times), muscle twitching (over 100 twitches in 1-minute’s time), lumps in my breasts I was too afraid to have checked out, and one of the last but most difficult for everyone around me was my irritation and rage (a complete reversal of my laid back and sweet nature everyone knew me to have growing up).

Soon after I was diagnosed with Lyme disease by an alternative M.D. At least that gave us something to focus on and be able to look at as reasons behind some of my issues. I decided to quit my job to focus on getting well and reducing my stress level (I was working, taking MBA classes, finished my PT and nutritionist licenses).

More research quickly led us from looking at low carb to virtually no carbs. We experimented so much in such little amount of time that we realized we’d better start journals of everything we ate, how we felt, what worked and what didn’t. All we wanted was consistency.

The fish and oil diet was the first diet I can remember being the first try at a zero carb diet. It relieved a lot of my symptoms, but not all (still had amenhorrea, edema, trichotillomania, acne, eczema and excess weight). We probably spent about a year experimenting beginning with the fish and oil diet, quickly switching to free range eggs and poultry, and occasional lamb and beef.

We continued researching and looked at our wins and fails. It led us to Blake Donaldson who suggested a steak and water diet for his patients. That made a lot of sense to Joe and I. We started with pemmican only for some time, introducing steak eventually. Sure enough, as soon as I decided to go all beef, EVERY SINGLE ONE of my symptoms vanished!!! I couldn’t believe it. Whenever I tried to share my success and happiness about this, it was met with more questionable stares, anger, fear, and rolled eyes than you would ever imagine. So, it was our little secret. And that’s how we kept it until we found others with our point of view.



Zerocarb Veteran
Philadelphia, PA, USA

Charles Washington

Following is a post from Charles Washington on 3/23/15:

The key to all these things is having the right mindset. Many of you come looking for "rules" and you want to explore legalities with us. This is how you approach it: The bedrock is meat and water. Every meal should be about meat and water. Seasonings, condiments, dairy, coffee and even alcohol are all viewed in the context of meat.

If you eat cheese, I'm assuming you're eating it on a burger. If you eat cheese by itself? Not so much.

If you drink alcohol, I assume you just had a steak. If you drink coffee in the morning, I assume you're having bacon and eggs first.

The foundation of every meal is meat and water. It's like Christianity's Lord's prayer. It is an outline but if you stick to just those words, you will do just fine, I'm told. Any good prayer will have the elements within it, even if it's longer.

Same here. Any good ZC (Zero Carb) meal will have meat and water. If you are eating a meal that does not contain meat and water, you are wrong.

If coffee is your breakfast, you are wrong. If cheese is your lunch, you are wrong. If alcohol is your sole dinner, you are wrong. Does that make sense?

It's better to keep it simple and have meat and water. If you want to get fancy and add something else, add it within this framework. If you're new? Stick to basics. In fact, if you're old at ZC, stick to basics. It's just easier that way.



Medical Doctor
Denver, CO, USA
Physician, researcher, ophthalmologist

Chris A Knobbe

I am a physician, researcher, ophthalmologist, author, speaker, and Associate Clinical Professor Emeritus, focusing on Westernized diets and disease.



Medical Doctor
Cambridge, MA, USA
Psychiatrist, Author

Chris Palmer

Hello! I’m Dr. Chris Palmer.

I am a Harvard Medical School Physician | Researcher | Consultant | Educator dedicated to improving the lives of people suffering from mental illness. I am working at the interface of metabolism, metabolic disorders, and what we call mental disorders. Although most people don’t think these are related, there is a tremendous amount of scientific evidence linking these. By better understanding these connections, I am hopeful that we will better understand what causes mental illness. This will undoubtedly lead to more effective treatments.

I have extensive experience and expertise in psychopharmacology, psychotherapy, and complementary and alternative treatments for psychiatric disorders. I know these work for some people, and I am dedicated to education about these evidence-based treatments and advocacy for access to them.

I am also pioneering the use of the ketogenic diet as a treatment for psychiatric disorders. This is an evidence-based treatment for epilepsy, and epilepsy treatments are commonly used in psychiatry. Additionally, the ketogenic diet has profound affects on brain metabolism that may correct some of the metabolic abnormalities often found in people with mental disorders. I am working with researchers from around to world to assess the effectiveness of this treatment in real people and better understand its mechanisms of action.



Texas, USA

Christian Assad



Obesity Physician
Bukavu, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Endocrinologist at the Catholic University of Bukavu

Cirhuza Cikomola

Endocrinologist (MD, PhD)  Special interest in weight management and diabetes

Dr. Cikomola (MD, PhD) is an endocrinologist at the Catholic University of Bukavu in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where he is also dean of the Faculty of Medicine.  He has introduced low carbohydrate management to his patients with type 2 diabetes and in 2021; he piloted a low carbohydrate intervention via Zoom.



Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil

Cláudio Brasil

Translated from Portuguese:

My name is Cláudio Brasil , I am a doctor (CRM 16.107) graduated from UFRGS, I did residency in Pediatrics at Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre and specialization in Homeopathy at the Gaúcha Society of Homeopathy.

I have specialist titles in Homeopathy and Pediatrics.

I was approved in first place in the competition for a homeopathic doctor at Conceição Hospital, where I work for SUS.

I am fundamentally dedicated to the treatment, reversal and prevention of chronic diseases in a personalized way and to health promotion.

We are doctors, graduated from UFRGS. We both did residency and specializations.

Our focus has always been on reversing chronic diseases and promoting health. As well as prevention.

More than alleviating symptoms or reducing them, we propose to eradicate the disease in its entirety.

It is a lofty purpose, but if we don't have it, what will become of the sick?

We avoid the use of drugs and we love to take them from our patients.

We seek to eliminate the root cause of diseases, stimulating what provides an improvement in the level of global health and reduces the damage. We see the person as a whole and assess all functional systems in their interrelationship.

The basis of care is the medical clinic. Listening (anamnesis) and clinical examination.

Obviously we use the diagnostic resources available, avoiding excesses, considering the scientific evidence.

We drink from the Hippocratic source, from the clinical records of all time, from homeopathy, from functional and family (or community) medicine. Even knowing the limitations regarding the generalization of individual cases, we consider that detailed case studies provide many hypotheses and help to build a comprehensive and integrative path in the complexity of human health.

We consider human evolution and anthropological studies an invaluable guide to understanding the human being. Evolution is undoubtedly the greatest scientific experiment ever performed by nature.

As Ernst Mayr, researcher and biologist, in the study of biology the time factor must be considered. The chronology, the historicity of events in a given system (whether an individual, a group, a community or an entire system) must be considered.

The personal history, the family history, the ethnic history, the history of the species, of the genus is important, they particularize each individual.

We are reticent to fully trust studies where statistics and the database are not open. We have many reports of spurious sponsorships, manipulations of data (biases of all kinds) and frankly dishonest guidelines in healthcare.

We prefer quality to the supposed quantity and high numerical value, but with little rationality.

The knowledge that the way of life has a strong impact on chronic diseases has changed our approach. Understanding that genetics has its expression significantly modified by people's way of life, as well as the increasingly vigorous hypothesis that a genetic and epigenetic adjustment (way of life) undoubtedly favors health is very promising.

We believe in the human ability to make conscious choices. To act based on values ​​and purposes. In principles, more than in rules. Thus, to overcome biological (structural and genetic) and environmental (socio-economic-cultural) determinisms.

Finally, we believe in the deep and cooperative relationship between people, in personal transformation, in ethical and conscious choices and in healing.



Zerocarb Veteran
Budapest, Hungary

Csaba Tóth

Therapeutic protocol of Paleomedicina Hungary

We have developed the PKD in 2010-2011. Previously we have been using the paleolithic diet which proved to be ineffective in the vast majority of chronic conditions. We believe that the PKD is the only evolutionary adapted diet for humans. Rehabilitation of chronic diseases is most effective when the diet is limited to our real physiological needs. Eating fruits and vegetables does not form part of our physiological need but are associated with risks. Plant foods can only be regarded as ”relatively” safe and only when certain plant food items are consumed and only in limited amounts. The diet was derived from clinical evidence and was not primarily influenced by archeological or ethnographic evidence, given that the application of the diet is clinical too. Altogether clinical experience was derived from about 4000 patients.



Private Researcher

Dana Shute

Information, experience and support for a Zero Carb Carnivore Diet from people who have been eating this way for over 10 years.  We only eat from the Animal Kingdom and we are proud carnivores!  Zero carb eating is different from anything you have ever tried before, including paleo, low carb, or keto diets.   We encourage people to try this Zero Carb way of eating for 30 days. That is a reasonable time frame to begin seeing the benefits of this lifestyle.   Trust the process!

53yr old 12+ year Zero Carb Carnivore. Founder of ZeroCarbHealth FB Group and ZeroCarbCarnivore Etsy Store.



Ann Arbor, Michigan

Darren Schmidt

Bankrupting Drug Co’s #LCHF #keto #supplements. FTP=Follow The Physiology. Mechansim of chronic dz=lactic acidosis. Taught 3700 dr’s at seminars. +100k YT subs

I've had 3 patients get rid of their Raynaud's syndrome with carnivore/fasting... a "genetic" or "autoimmune" problem fixed with diet changes. No drug or supplement can do this for Raynaud's.



Nutritional Psychiatry
Duluth, MN, USA

David Baldes

Board certified adult psychiatrist with a passion for treating complex patients. Ketogenic diet advocate. #LCHF #keto #carnivore



Hampshire, UK
Type 2 Diabetes

David Cavan

Consultant Endocrinologist, Educator and Author

Dr David Cavan MD, FRCP is a Consultant Endocrinologist who worked for many years at the Bournemouth Diabetes and Endocrine centre, one of the leading diabetes centres in the UK.  During that time, he developed several self-management programmes for people with diabetes. In 2013, he moved to Brussels to work for three years as the Director of Policy and Programmes at the International Diabetes Federation (IDF).  There he was responsible for overseeing a range of projects that addressed the needs of people with diabetes at a global level.  He returned to the UK in 2017 and now works part time at University Hospitals Dorset and at the London Diabetes Centre. He also oversees diabetes management programmes in different countries and runs training courses for health professionals internationally. He is a successful author, and his latest book ‘Busting the Diabetes Myth’, explaining how people can reverse type 2 diabetes and prediabetes, has just been published. This follows on from his previous books: ‘Take Control of Type 1 diabetes’, ‘Reverse your Diabetes’ and ‘The Low Carb Diabetes Cookbook.’



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