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Ketoscience Database Zotero!!

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Basically, Zotero is a research tool used by students and researchers to write papers. I decided to use it after searching for such a tool when I realized one must exist, and experimenting with competitors like Mendeley. 


I try to 'tag' all the science papers I come across that talk about ketogenic diets or carnivorous human nutrition in order to make a central hub of knowledge. My dream is to be able to make a database as good as Zotero - but until then - this is much easier to share and contribute to. I pay for server costs to host a few gigabytes of pdfs in this group. I've heard of some doctors out there with tens of thousands of references stored on their private databases - hopefully they are using this resource in addition. I have extracted books worth of resources into this collection and once opened 712 articles about vegan and vegetarian science articles just to add them. 


You can make an account and request to join the group - and you can actually contribute your own 'research sprees'. 


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