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October 19, 1853

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A landlord at the Golden Lion Hotel loses 90 pounds going from 270 to 160, and tells many about Dancel's meat-cure. He wrote in a letter: "Immediately after adopting your system, my fat began to disappear, my appetite improved, and, after a few months, my weight was reduced to one hundred and sixty pounds, and my circumference to thirty-two inches. My health is now excellent."





Obesity, or, Excessive corpulence: the various causes and the rational means of cure

Jean-Francois Dancel


Important Text:

Towards the latter end of 1851, Madame Wimy, from the town of Marle, came to consult me in reference to her husband, who was labouring under obesity to such a degree as to be unable to attend to his business. I gave her the necessary advice, together with some medicine. On the 19th of December Madame Wimy told me by letter that her husband had already much improved, that his breathing was easier, he was more capable of exertion, and that his corpulence had notably diminished. This lady again wrote to me in the following year, requesting a further supply of medicine. She said:—"My husband, before commencing your treatment, weighed two hundred and seventy pounds: he now weighs only two hundred, and hopes to weigh still less. You are no doubt in the frequent receipt of letters seeking advice, for we have many inquiries for your address."

In truth the case of M. Wimy has brought me a great many patients. Anxious to know whether he still continued my plan of treatment, and wishing to introduce a statement of his case in this the third edition of my work, I wrote to M. Wimy on the 16th of October last and received the following reply:

"Marle, 19th Oct., 1853.

"Sir,—In your letter of the 16th, you requested me to give a somewhat detailed statement of my case. I commenced the treatment under your directions, the latter part of 1851, and continued it during the early part of 1852. My weight was two hundred and seventy pounds, and I measured sixty-one inches in circumference. I walked with great difficulty—suffered much pain in the kidneys—my legs were swollen. I had a constant cough, and was much troubled with drowsiness. Immediately after adopting your system, my fat began to disappear, my appetite improved, and, after a few months, my weight was reduced to one hundred and sixty pounds, and my circumference to thirty-two inches. My health is now excellent. Being landlord of the Golden Lion Hotel, at Marle, where the stages put up, my recovery is known to a great many; and travellers who stopped at my house two years ago, when I was labouring under obesity, on seeing me at present, and noticing the wonderful change which has taken place, invariably ask by what means it has been effected.

"It always affords me great pleasure to acknowledge that my cure is due to your system of treatment.

"I have the honour to be, &c.,
"Jules Wimy.

"Golden Lion Hotel,
Marle, Aisne."

A person who visited Marle about four months ago, and who had not seen M. Wimy since the great change had been effected in his appearance, was much astonished, and made inquiries respecting the cure. Some time afterwards, this person met, at Orleans, a wealthy gentleman, about forty years of age, suffering from obesity, and told him what he had witnessed at Marle; recommending him at the same time to visit Paris, in order that he might have the advice of the doctor who had freed Wimy from his excessive fat. This gentleman wrote to Marle, before coming to Paris, and received a satisfactory answer.

He called to consult with me, saying that he wished to place himself under my care, provided that it would not interfere with his business or with his usual habits. He is postmaster at Orleans, and, previous to the building of the railroad, had a great deal of business to attend to. Having many more horses than necessary for his business at Orleans, he has opened a livery stable in Paris. He is consequently obliged to attend all the fairs and markets, in order to purchase horses and provender for his two establishments,—the one at Paris and the other at Orleans, and is almost constantly travelling between these two cities, and therefore leads a life of great activity. He weighs two hundred and twenty-two pounds, and wishes to lose fifty pounds of fat, but he cannot afford to lose a day from his business.

My reply to Mr. M. was, that so far from my treatment demanding any cessation from work, it would rather give him strength to carry it on. He began the treatment ten weeks since, and has already lost between twenty-eight and thirty pounds of fat; and, as I had promised, without causing him the loss of a single day.

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