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Historical Event
November 8, 1598
Short Description:


"On the 8th the sargento mayor came back from the land of the buffalo. He brought quantities of meat, fat, and tallow, although he was unable to bring any live animals. There were infinite numbers of them. Their hide is very wooly and thick."

Record of the Marches by the Army, New Spain to New Mexico, 1596-98
Important Text:
On November 4 Captain Marquez arrived from New Spain and left Puaray for Acoma, following the governor.
On the 8th the sargento mayor came back from the land of the buffalo. He brought quantities of meat, fat, and tallow, although he was unable to bring any live animals. There were infinite numbers of them. Their hide is very wooly and thick. He traveled seventy leagues inland, as far as the pueblo which is nine leages long. Several times he found traces of Umana.
On Wednesday, November 18, at noon, the maese de campo set out for the South sea, following the governor.
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