Historical Event
September 4, 1741
Short Description:


Russians aboard the St. Peter visit the Aleutian inlands and meet the native people there for the first time. A scientist named Steller records their characteristics and describes the encounter - in which brandy and tobacco were offered to the Aleuts while a piece of whale blubber was offered to the Russians.

Arctic Passage - First Scientist of the Bering Sea
Important Text:
On September 4, while the St. Peter was attempting to continue its
western course against a persistent wind, the Russians encountered their
first Americans. Two natives in kayaks paddled toward the ship, shouting
as they came. No one on board the St. Peter could understand what the
natives were saying, but the Americans gestured toward the land, pointed
to their mouths and scooped up sea water with their hands to indicate an
offering of refreshment to the Russians. The Russians tied two Chinese
tobacco pipes and some glass beads to a piece of board and launched it
toward the closest kayak. In turn, one of the Aleuts tied a dead falcon to a
stick and passed it to a Koriak aboard the St. Peter. Apparently the Aleut
wanted the Russians to place other gifts between the bird's claws and
return the falcon on the stick, but instead, the Koriak tried to pull the
Aleut closer and, in alarm, the Americans released the stick.
A boat was lowered from the St. Peter for a shore party. Steller,
Waxell, the Koriak interpreter, and several seamen rowed to the beach. A
landing on the rocky shore was impossible; so three of the boat party
undressed and waded ashore to be greeted by friendly Aleuts-
natives of the Aleutian Islands- who presented a piece of whale blubber.
One Aleut was bold enough to paddle out to the St. Peter and was given a cup of brandy. which he downed, then hurriedly spat out. Brandy not being well received, the Russians offered their second most prized delicacy, a lighted pipe. This, too, was rejected.
On the beach the Aleuts were quite taken with the Koriak
interpreter, presumably boccause his features resembled their own. As the
Russians prepared to return to the St. Peter some of the Americans held on
to the Koriak, and others tried to haul the boat ashore. This
confrontation between Americans and Russians was a classic case of
mutual distrust and misunderstanding and was resolved by the classic
method a show of superior force. Three of the boat crew fired their
muskets over the heads of the Aleuts, who swiftly released Koriak and
boat and threw themselves on the ground. The Russians dashed to the
water. The first test of strength was concluded. All the elements of the
future subjection of the Americans by their eastern neighbors had passed
in review. Tobacco and liquor had made their initial appearance. The first
echoes of the firearms soon to enslave a free people resounded from the
hills. Both peoples were disappointed and frustrated by the events: the
Russians because "we had not been able to observe what we had intended
but on the other hand had met what we had not expected"; the Aleuts
because, apparently, their intentions had been misunderstood. 25 The
Russians laughed at the Aleuts' consternation as they picked themselves
up "and waved their hands to us to be off quickly as they did not want us
any longer." 26 These laughs of derision and the futile waving of the
Aleuts were significant characterizations of the respective assertions of
the two peoples. History was to demonstrate that the Aleuts were no
match for the aggressive Russians. Yet waving the Russians away would
not banish them. This first contact was a prelude and a brief but
prophetic introduction to the subsequent bloody incidents that were to
occur in the conquest of the Bering Sea.
Steller, accustomed to moralizing on his own endeavors and those of
his companions, did not indulge in any reflections on the future of the
Aleuts, though he made a close observation of their physical appearance,
"They are of medium stature, strong and stocky, yet fairly well
proportioned, and with very fleshy arms and legs. The hair of the head is
glossy black and hangs straight down all around the head. The face is
brownish, a litle flat and concave. The nose is also flattened, though not
particularly broad or large. The eyes are as black as coals, the lips
prominent and turned up. In addition they have short necks, broad
shoulders, and their body is plump though not big-bellied." 27
The Aleuts wore what Steller guessed to be "whale-gut shirts with
sleeves, very neatly sewed together, which reach to the calf of the leg.
Some had skin boots and trousers and carried iron knives. Steller
speculated on the probability that the Americans knew the craft of
metalworking. He also described the Aleut kayak, noting its resemblance
to those of Greenland Eskimos.
"The American boats are about two
fathoms long, two feet high, and two feet wide on the deck, pointed
towards the nose but truncate and smooth in the rear." 29 The boats had a
frame construction covered with skins and a manhole which could be
made watertight. To this circular hole was attached a strip of material
which could be "tightened or loosened like a purse. When the American
has sat down in his boat and stretched his legs under the deck, he draws
this hem together around his body and fastens it with a bowknot in order
to prevent any water from getting in." 30
Steller did not believe that the Aleuts made their homes on the
islands. He had not yet observed any of their dwellings and assumed that
they only visited the wind-swept islands on hunting forays from the
mainland. He also speculated on the origins of the Americans, noting
their physical similarities to Siberian peoples, which suggested an Asiatic