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November 22, 1883

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In a clinical lecture in Paris in 1883, Professor Dojardin-Beaumetz explains how Rollo, Bouchardat, Cantani, and Seegen figured out how to remove starch and carbohydrates from the diet to help diabetics.





On the Treatment of Diabetes - A Clinical Lecture by Professor Dojardin-Beaumetz


Important Text:

ON THE TREATMENT OF DIABETES. A CLINICAL LECTURE DY PROFESSOR DOJARDIN-BEAUMETZ, Member of the Academy of Medicine Physician to the Hôspital St. Antoine, Paris, France 


The dietetic treatment of diabetes deserves the first place. Ever since John Rollo at the end of the last century first called attention to the influence of foods in the production of glycosuria, all authorties have felt the obligation to regulate rigorously the diet of diabetic patients. At their head is Bouchardat; after him I will mention especially Seegen, a German writer, and Cantani, an Italian, and what I have now to offer respecting the hygienic regime of this affection will be based on a careful study of the contributions of these three men. The hygienic treatment is founded on the endeavor, far as possible, to exclude from the food all substances capable of forming glucose. This glucose may be derived from sugar in the ingesta, or from starch which has undergone conversion in the alimentary canal. These glycogenous principles, then, should bo suppressed. All this, however, though simple in theory, is difficult in practice.

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