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January 2, 1930

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The Sugar Institute pushes a lie that "The "dead tired" feeling can be avoided by eating or drinking a wholesome sweet food such as a soda fountain beverage, ice cream, candy, or sweet cakes. These are quickly digested and the energy in the sugar is quickly available to renew vigor."





It's very easy to catch cold when you are tired out - Before going home from work eat or drink something sweet and see how this nourishment "picks you up"


Important Text:

It does not pay to go home "dead tired." Your system, in such a condition, has virtually no resistance. As a result you may get chilled--then comes a cold.

The "dead tired" feeling can be avoided by eating or drinking a wholesome sweet food such as a soda fountain beverage, ice cream, candy, or sweet cakes. These are quickly digested and the energy in the sugar is quickly available to renew vigor. 

At this time of the year diet plays an important part in the maintenance of health. Foods should be chosen for vitamins, minerals and roughage. For quick fuel and palatability, sweet foods should be included. Most foods are more delicious and nourishing with sugar. The Sugar Institute.

"Good food promotes good health"

Topics: (click image to open)

Big Sugar
Big Sugar is based on organizations like ILSI and The Sugar Association. They promote sugar as part of a healthy, balanced diet, but ignore many of the cons of sugar consumption.
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