Historical Event
March 8, 1798
Short Description:


Three cases of diabetes among women are described by Dr Gerard: "Together with animal food, laxatives, and emetics, she got hepatised ammonia; and for many weeks she has been so well that she is about to be dismissed cured."

Cases of the diabetes mellitus: with the results of the trials of certain acids
John Rollo
Important Text:
The other three patients were women, of whom one is married, aged 24, fair and delicate. Her disease began eight months ago, while she was giving suck, and she was very soon compelled to wean her child. She was admitted on the 8th of March, extremely weak and emaciated; her urine, which was very sweet, amounting daily to 15 lb, at least.
Together with animal food, laxatives, and emetics, she got hepatised ammonia; and for many weeks she has been so well that she is about to be dismissed cured.
The other Patient is a widow aged 29, of a sallow complexion. About four years ago, after delivery, she was dreadfully pained about the umbelicus, where a large tumour arose and suppurated. Matter flowed from it for six months, during which time she was reduced to extreme weakness ; but the wound having closed, she recovered tolerable health, and enjoyed it till two years ago, when Diabetes attacked her. She was admitted on the 19th of April, was treated in every respect like the last, and like her, is to be dismissed cured this week.
The third is an unmarried girl, aged 22. She was admitted June 5th, when her urine daily exceeded 14 lib. and was so sweet, that 1 lb. yielded 3i. 3vi. of thick sweet extract. Without the hepatifed ammonia, in six days her urine has sunk to 6 lb. and has become bitter. Every other symptom has abated in equal proportion; so that in this case also a complete cure may be confidently expected.