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Norm Robillard


Watertown, MA, USA

MEATrition author
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Norm Robillard, Ph.D. (Norman John Robillard), Founder of Digestive Health Institute, is a gut health expert, author, and microbiologist. He is the creator of the Fast Tract DietFermentation Potential (FP) system, author of the Fast Tract Digestion book series, and publisher of the Fast Tract Diet mobile app.

Dr. Norm received his Ph.D. in microbiology from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst studying Bacillus anthracis and other Bacillus species. His post-doctoral training at Tufts University, Boston, focused on antibiotic resistance gene transfer. He was the first to demonstrate the transfer of genes (via conjugation) between the anaerobic gut microbes Bacteroides fragilis and E. coli.

During his career in pharma/biotech, Dr. Norm studied the mechanisms of antibiotic action and the genetics of antibiotic resistance. His work contributed to the development and approval of ciprofloxacin, a life-saving antibiotic. However, he always recommended a cautious approach with antibiotics balancing the benefits with the risks and side effects.

Beyond antibiotics, Dr. Norm worked on various other projects, including septic shock, viral illnesses and other antibiotics, antiviral and antibody-based therapies.

Dr. Norm was the first to propose small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) as the underlying cause of acid reflux and explained the connection between intragastric pressure from gas-producing bacteria in our intestines, nutritional malabsorption, and the symptoms of acid reflux in his first book, Heartburn Cured.

His latest book series provides a safe and effective dietary tool and behavioral strategy (Fast Tract Diet) as an alternative to proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), H2 blockers, IBS drugs or antibiotics for GERD, IBS and other SIBO related conditions.

The Fast Tract Diet was presented at the Digestive Disease Week conference in 2013 to provide gastroenterologists with a new science-based dietary treatment option for addressing SIBO-related conditions.

Dr. Norm’s Fast Tract Diet mobile app was recognized and included in the Top Gut Health Apps of the Year by Healthline in 2017 and 2019.

About his personal journey on digestive health, please read one of his blogs, What Really Causes Acid Reflux and GERD?

History Entries - 10 per page

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