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Brian Lenzkes
Medical Weight Loss & Direct Primary Care
San Diego, CA, USA

Link to Carnivore Support:

Image Carnivore Support:

Text Notes:
In a DM to me in July 2022:
"Keep up the great work! I would love to leave a comment. As a matter of fact, I went carnivore this month! Good timing."
"As a doctor, it is hard to get past the idea that saturated fat is not killing us. We have heard it for years. When I went low carb, I saw immediate success with metabolic health and weight loss. As time progressed, I realized that I was plateaued and had to make a change. I weighted the data and observed my carnivore patients improving mentally and physically. I am amazed by the benefits of this lifestyle change."
When asked about doing Carnivore:
"I am loving it. Feeling great. Confounded by the fact that I am also cutting out red wine."
History Entries - 10 per page
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