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Add New History Event

Welcome to the Meatrition History Database. 


I have attempted to make the most awesome resource available to the carnivore and ketogenic diet community. The idea is to make a master guide of all available text that exists that discusses human nutrition and history and science and religion, but with a meat-based rosy lens bias. 


How to add:

  1. Make a account

  2. Come aross an interesting fact from the past and search the History database to see if it exists - this can be tricky because you may have a new source that talks about a similar past event - but each source deserves it's own entry so keep reading.

  3. Think it's worth the time to add so more people can see it and know it, and for me to approve it. You will be banned if you troll. The entry should generally relate to the topics of eating meat, not eating meat, religious, cultural, traditional and scientific reasons people have eaten meat or avoided it, and interesting anecdotes of experiences.

  4. Fill out the below fields with as much information as possible - I will fill in your gaps!

    1. The Short Id is a few text words that will be put into the url - try to summarize the point or quote in 3-6 words.

    2. Find the best link you can find or think of - or the source - use that.

    3. The Title of the document could be the title of a news article or the title of a book and chapter or the title of an old science document. 

    4. The Date is tricky - it could be a single day from a journal with a good little anecdote, or it could be a date in a general range of a few years to represent a long trip where something interesting was learned. If you only have a year, use Jan 01 for the Month and Day, Please select them too. The year should be 0 - 2022 - older entries belong in a separate database with a different date filtering mechanism for longer and less precise dates and/or ranges. 

    5. There are some extra things I'll add to your entry such as Topics tags or links to other entities, so don't feel like it needs to be perfect.

    6. The Rich Text box at the bottom is the most important part. Paste, Type, or Edit well formatted text in here and remove any typos or artifacts. Try reading out loud your entry before you submit to catch any mistakes. You can post extra links into this rich text box and even add extra sources to help back up the interesting historical fact. A great example is pasting the about section from a wiki page to the end of a pertinent quote made by a famous author. You may also want to use OCR software on iOS to copy the text in the image.. You can edit the text in a Google Docs and then paste it, once done, in this field. 

    7. The Image is not so important but I do like taking screenshots of maps and using those, or taking a photo of an old book with underlined text.

    8. Don't worry about uploading the document unless its a rare pdf


Short ID - few unique words
Short 250 Character Description:
Title of Document:
Public URL aka


Use Jan 01 if you only have a year.


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Max File Size 15MB
Upload an image of the moment
Max File Size 15MB
Add several paragraphs for what happened in the event. An abstract or Summary works well too. Connect the historical event to the carnivore diet. has been made better.

Thank you! 

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